Thursday, September 30, 2010

How to Cope With Facebook Stalking

Just. Say. No.

You know what I hate? Crumbly muffins.

You know what I hate more than crumbly muffins? Eating crumbly muffins in public. It's so embarrassing. If you don't eat the muffin you look stupid. Who buys muffins and doesn't eat them? Plus it's a good muffin...except it's crumbly. What's wrong with crumbly muffins? You look like an idiot while you eat them.

Crumbs are flying just missed your mouth AGAIN. Now there's a nice puddle of crumbly muffin on your lap. You try to dust it off, but instead those rebellious little buggers stick to your pants. Crumbly muffins have no manners and that's why I hate them.

ACK. Now it's on Boo Radley's keyboard. UGH.

You know what I hate more than eating crumbly muffins in public? Not updating my blog in 2 weeks. Speaking of what I hate...

There are a lot of articles out there covering how to deal with Facebook stalkers, but no one ever tells you what to do when FACEBOOK is stalking you. Not someone on Facebook, the actual social networking site is stalking you. You may say this is outrageous, but happens far more often than you would think.

Here's how to cope:

1. Burn your laptop.

It won't keep Facebook away, but it sure is fun.

2. Eat Crumbly Muffins in Public

No one, not even Facebook, wants to be seen with an idiot whose food always seems to miss their mouth.

3. Stop Changing Your Relationship Status every Two Days

You're making Facebook jealous. Making it jealous only makes it want you more.

4. Flex your Calve Muscles (on Fridays)

Because that's how the celebrities solve their problems.

5. Adopt Twin Capybaras

I don't know why. You just should.

6. Stop telling Facebook all Your Deep, Dark SECRETS

If you lead Facebook on, it will think it's behavior is okay. Besides, the rest of the world sees those deep, dark secrets too and we don't want to know that you STILL wet the 22.

7. Have a Stern Talk

This is a last resort. Only when things become truly terrible, do you talk to Facebook. If Facebook won't listen, then you should try eating a crumbly muffin WHILE giving it a stern talk.

Ultimately, there is no way to escape Facebook's claws of destruction. Yes, you may despair.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

5 Ways To Make Your Dentist Suffer

Tell me that's not evil.

We all hate dentists. If you say you don't, you would be lying. Whether you hate dentists because one of them "accidentally" drilled a hole through your tongue  or you hate how, despite being a dentist, your dentist has NO TEETH, we all want them to suffer.

(If you are a dentist and you're reading this. PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!)

Below are the most innovative ways to make your local dentist feel you wrath:

Method 1: Onion Rings

Onion rings is code for any rancid smelling food. This includes, but is not limited to:

Spoiled milk (the clumpy kind is the BEST)

Mildewed cheese (The best way to go green)

Garlic smoothie (also keeps 'dem vampires away)

Dog food


Sewer water


If you want to be REALLY efficient, I suggest you put all of my suggestions (and anything else you can think of) into a pot and make Stinky Stuff Soup.

Method 2: Scream

Every time your dentist gets near you, looks at you, smiles, sniffs you, scream at the top of your lungs. If he asks why, say: "For a moment...heh....I thought you were going to smash me up and make me into your 'special toothpaste' ", then scream again.

Method 3: Forget the Brush

For the entire month before your appointment, don't brush your teeth, don't look at your tooth-brush, don't even think about your toothbrush.

This won't hurt one bit...NOT! *evil laughter*
Method 4: Curious

Before you sit down, ask your dentist what each tool does that he's going to use, then ask him what would happen if you threw a drill at him. He'll probably respond with something stupid that he thinks is cute like: "Then it will hit me. haha". Throw the drill at him.

Method 5:  Snakey

This method only works if your dentist is a semi aquatic, egg laying mammal

of...dentistry  AKA a platypus. Put a rubber snake in your pocket, right when your dentist AKA platypus picks up the drill throw the rubber snake at him! He'll be so scared he'll drop the drill on his feet...It will hurt.

Think: if we all banded together we could make dentists suffer EVERYWHERE! But it starts with you...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Presenting...Boo Radley!

Today, I would like to talk about the wonderful and beautiful Boo Radley. I think he's the coolest thing since minced pears....and edible fedoras (BUY ME ONE FOR MY BIRTHDAY!).

No I don't mean this Boo Radley:

Though, he's pretty amazingsauce, he can't quite compare to this:

Say Hello to Boo Radley. LOOK HOW SHINY!

That's right. Say hello to my little friend. I finally got a MacBook, baby. He shall be called Boo Radley. Below is the top three reasons why Boo Radley amazing, but can't quite compare to my brand new friend, Boo Radley (confused, yet?):

  1. Sure, Boo Radley has mad ninja skills, not to mention he's a socially awkward recluse (sound familiar? *cough*likeme*cough*), but can he last TEN HOURS on a single charge? The answer is no. Boo Radley needs TWO charges to last 10 hours. Boo Radley is also a robot...
  2. Yeah, Boo Radley is a Robot Ninja, but can he read aloud an ENTIRE webpage? Can he recognize faces just by looking at PICTURES? No. No, he can not.
  3. I made this picture on my Mac:

Don't you dare ask me about Boo Radley's pants.


Actually, I'm not sure. Let me go ask him.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

5 Ways to Stay Unfocused

There are plenty of guides out there with tips on how to stay focused, but because my brain is upside down (it's a rare condition. IT'S NOT FUNNY), I'm going to do things a bit differently. If you do the opposite of everything in this post, you'll be the most focused person on the planet.*

Your status does NOT need to be updated twice a minute.


It really shouldn't be called "social networking", it should be called "social webweaving" or "web of iniquity". Social networking sites are designed to suck you in and trap you in a continuous cycle from one network to the other. You're on Twitter and your best friend tweets about her amazing trip to Italy and links to the pictures on facebook. You HAVE to check these pictures, of course, so you can run zit patrol and laugh in her face one you find one. You're laughing because "HAHAHA you were in Italy with a PUS FILLED MONSTROSITY ON YOUR FACE. Italy wasn't so great after all!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? *sob*"

Oh? That's just me? Er... never mind.


Don't you DARE try to pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. When you roam from fridge to pantry to freezer and back again, nibbling on food but never actually decided on what you WANT. This is a wonderful way to procrastinate. If any one asks you what you're doing you can get all hysterical and scream "DO YOU WANT ME TO STARVE?!?! WHAT? DO YOU THINK I'M FAT?" Also, this is a great way to actually get fat. You never really know how much you've eaten, what you've eaten, or how TWO Oreos could be an entire serving. There has to be a misprint.


Look, despite what your parents, teachers, or imaginary friends might have told you, you aren't SUPERAMAZINGPERSON/RADIOACTIVECYBORG. You can't multi-task.  But don't take my word for it, try it for yourself! Try writing that english paper AND doing your calculus simultaneously.No, seriously. Do it. See what happens.


Some of you have no clue how to daydream properly. You actually have to prepare for this if you want to do it correctly. You have to have a plot for you dream and main and supporting characters. There must be radioactive turkeys or you're NOT DOING IT RIGHT! ( Don't try to tell me this is optional. IT ISN'T!)


Don't take notes during class. Instead draw funny pictures!! Look at the squirrel I drew during my statistics lecture!
Ain't it PURDY?????????

*I lied. You won't be the most focused person on the planet because everyone knows Chuck Norris is the most focused person on the planet. He's so focused, he can be surrounded by the entire cast of The Jersey Shore and STILL get his homework five minutes.