Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mr. King, I'm apalled!

After learning that I supposedly write like Stephen King from I Write Like..., I did what any normal person would do: I began to cyber-stalk him. I was curious to know more about his writing methods and I made a shocking discovery. Mr. King does not outline. That's not really the shocking part. The shocking part is that he recommends new authors do the same.

Oh vey iz mir.

When it comes to writing there are no set rules. There are plenty of writers who forgo the outlining. However this does not work for everyone. I hate outlining, but if I want any sort of coherent story line, I have to outline. I have trouble focusing on my ultimate goal. I'm easily side tracked.

There are other forms of prewriting, if outlining isn't for you. I would never tell anyone whether or not they should outline, it's really something you have to discover for yourself. But personally, I recommend it.


You avoid writing yourself into a corner.

Objectively analyzing your plot is far easier when it's in front of you in simple terms.

Outlining keeps you focused. A focused writer writes a focused story. (Focused stories are the best kind of stories, by the way.)

Writer's block is pretty much nonexistent once you outline.


It takes a little extra time.

There's different outlining styles for every writer.

If you're like me, the key to outlining is to hash out enough detail to keep yourself focused, but to keep it open-ended enough to make changes on the fly. (I've always wanted to use the phrase "on the fly" in a legit sentence.) I don't like my story to be set in stone. I love the thrill of never knowing exactly what's going to happen next.

Maybe you're awesome like Mr. King and you can stay focused without the help of an outline. I will point out that as iconic as Stephen King may be, (from what I've read) the way some of his stories end are within a fifteen mile radius of lameville. This is a result of not outlining...either that or he has weak pinkies.

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="450" caption="See? Veggies are delish!"][/caption]

Or maybe you need a tight structure in place before you can even THINK of that blank word document. If that's the case, then you need a detailed outline. Down to what your characters will eat before the nearby hotel explodes.

Whether or not you outline is your choice, but choose wisely. Don't knock outlining before you try it. You never know, you might like it.

I'm sure that sounds eerily like the pep talk your mother used to give you regarding your vegetables, but I speak truth.

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