Yeah, I know. No freaking duh. The above sentence is pretty obvious. I mean, you spend 8 hours surrounded by 1000 people you barely know. There must be some interaction. Well, you'd be surprised how easy it is to speak exactly 10 words all day; most of them being some shortened variation of "the hallway is not a parking lot" and "stop stepping on my face, moron." When you're in high school, you get pretty good at the whole abbreviating thing. And being vague. Being vague is essential to the high school existence...and stuff.
Through all of this...quality interaction, I've noticed something about myself. I have just about 15 different sides. Which one is seen is dependent on who I'm with. It's not exactly a new observation. I've always known this about myself, but I've never seen it manifest itself so clearly until this week. I went from sarcastic hippy to valley girl, loudly chewing her gum to know-it-all Granger and everything in between within the span of 8 hours.
Everyone experiences this, I'm sure, but it doesn't make it any less interesting. I've found that once I've established that a certain "side" goes with a certain person. It's nearly impossible to change. Yesterday, I tried didn't work. In fact, I only became more sarcastic and insulted the intelligence of four people. Fail.
I've been thinking about this quite a bit. After a lot of soul searching, I came to the conclusion that penguins are reptiles. Everything else is just a lie.
Behold the mighty penguin. It has no soul. |